Health & Safety Policy Statement

Outsource Support are committed to working according to the provisions of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, associated legislation, and the requirements of this Safety Statement.  Outsource Support believes all accidents and incidents of work-related ill-health are preventable.  

The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 establishes a General Duty of Care on Outsource Support to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the safety of all personnel at work by maintaining safe plant, equipment, secure systems of work, safe premises, secure access and egress, and ensuring adequate instruction, training and supervision are provided.  We are also obliged, by Section 12 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, to ensure the safety of any persons who may be affected by our activities. 

As such, Outsource Support is committed to:
  • Preventing injury or ill health to anyone who may be affected by our work activities. 
  • Complying with all relevant legal responsibilities. 
  • Continually Improving our risk management and health & safety performance. 
Our Health & Safety Policy Objectives are:
  • To comply with all Irish and European Union safety legislation, guidance, and Codes of Practices. 
  • To continually strive for Continuous Improvement in all our operations. 
  • To identify, assess and manage risks.  This will be achieved by implementing a systematic written risk assessment for all activities.  These risks will be evaluated and documented as required under Section 19 Part III of the 2005 Act. 
  • To promote the concept of health, safety, and welfare as a “Core Value” of our Service. 
  • To develop and apply safe work practices through consultation. 
  • To provide adequate instruction, information, training, and supervision as is necessary to ensure the safety, health, and welfare at work of all parties.  
  • To monitor and review the effectiveness of our Safety Management System. 
  • To comply with all COVID-19 Risk Management Strategies 

It is the policy of the Outsource Support to ensure all our safety obligations are met in partnership with our stakeholders – our employees, contractors, suppliers, visitors, and clients. To do this, we implement an effective safety management system through communication and consultation to enhance the sense of wellbeing, which is one of our key objectives. 

It is our policy to ensure that everyone is aware of their own personal responsibility and to exercise due care concerning themselves and their colleagues.  All employees are required to familiarise themselves with the safety policy and emergency procedures of each aspect of their work, to take reasonable care, to seek advice if in doubt and to report incidents or any defective work practices to the management team. 

Our Safety Statement, as a working document, will be reviewed as required under Section 20, Part III of the Safety Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, or as needed, considering experience, legislation, and new developments within the Service.  

Graham Hughes

Managing Director 


Date: 26/01/2022